Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Tuesday Morning Update...

Yesterday afternoon they decided to put a feeding tube in her nose. Her weight has been dropping rapidly and she's still refusing to eat. She hates the feeding tube as it comes out her nose and is taped to the side of her cheek. However, we feel better knowing she's getting some sort of nutrition. One problem with the tube is that it goes directly into her stomach, this poses a danger of her throwing it up and having to have it re-installed (NOT a fun Process). She did throw up during the night but luckily the tube stayed down. They are trying to keep the vomiting under control with gravol to help keep the feeding tube down.

Last night they did give her a blood transfusion as her Hemo levels were very low.

Her fever is still very high and they can't seem to find the cause of it. If it hasn't broken by tomorrow they are going to have to start looking for a fungus infection as viral and bacterial will be ruled out. In order to do that she will need a stomach ultrasound and X-rays of the sinuses and chest.

Her walking is still non existent and they are going to do a hip, knee, and ankle X-rays today. They are very sure it's just the Leukemia in her bones causing her the pain but they want to make sure it's not something else.

This morning she will have a pure Platelet transfusion as her platelets were at 13 this morning. Normal is between 100-150.

Like we said before it seems to be one thing after another. We are doing ok, just taking it hour by hour. It's very hard to see her like this.

She really perked up this morning when Isabelle came in. She sure loves her big sister.

Isabelle is doing ok. She went to play at this play place here in the hospital this morning called Emily's Backyard. When I picked her up I asked her if she had fun and if she made any new friends? She replied : Oh ya I had so much fun! I asked a few kids to be friends, some said yes, but then I think they forgot so I just did some crafts" Still our funny little girl. We sure love her and are glad she is with us during this time. She helps keep everyone spirits up with her smile and little sayings.

Thanks again for all your love and support.

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