Thursday, 13 October 2011

Today is the 1st day

Thursday, October 13, 2011 First day of Treatment

Today Scarlett will have her first chemotherapy treatment. They are nervous but excited to get going - the old theory - the sooner we get this started the sooner we get this over with. They got a good enough sample from her hip to have confirmation of the type of leukemia that she has. They had to take from both hips and they also took bone fragments. Scarlett really struggled coming out of the anesthetic today but she had been under Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. That is more than I would care to be out and she is only 2. Next Monday and Tuesday will give them more results and then over the next 2-3 weeks they will learn more as they see how she reacts to treatment.

The type of Leukemia Scarlett has been diagnosed with is called "Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia" or ALL. 85% of kids within the ages of 2-5 get this type of  Leukemia. That is a good thing because it means they treat it more often than the other type. Within her type (ALL) there are different levels of risk or severity. We have yet to find out exactly what her level is - low, moderate, high or very high. Only time and more tests will show us that information. One thing we do know is that the treatment will last for about 2 1/2 years. It will be a combination of in hospital, outpatient, and eventually - at home.

Lance's mom and sister will be there for a few more days, mostly spending time with Isabelle. They are totally realizing that this is a 24-7 task with a roller coaster of tests, results, side effects, emotions, consults, surprises (good and bad) and sleepless days and nights. As I was talking to Bobbi a few minutes ago, Isabelle came in with Mary and Orenda (Lance's sister and mom) and Scarlett sat right up and said, "Hey Iz, you look big!" That sweet girl will continue to steal hearts as she has done in her 2 short years as she travels this journey.

Once again, we are all grateful for love, care and concern from family and friends. As my Gr Gr Grandmother said in her journal, There will be sunshine after rain.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love that "Sunshine after rain."
    So true.
    Yay for official diagnosis and for the start of treatment. Definitely a milestone day.
    Thank you for this blog!
