Thursday, 20 October 2011

NO PRICE...Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011

Well there is no price to set the value of Scarlett's smile when I came in to see her this morning or the feel of her little hand reaching almost halfway around my neck as she gave me a hug! Nope...can't put a price on that!! She looks so little in that big bed.

She did have some improvements today for sure. No fever! Keep fingers and toes crossed! And she had a bit of an appetite and ate a bit. She heard Isabelle and I talking about going down to eat some lunch and she whipped that thumb out of her mouth and said, "Me, too!!" And then she almost shouted, "Salad! Noodles! Ketchup! Chocolate milk!" We were all laughing/ crying. Laughing because it was so cute but crying inside because it was noon and she was still fasting for her medication which they put into her spinal cord with a short precedure. She was going in for that NOT for lunch. Poor thing! But she did wake up about an hour later and started munching away on her requests that we had brought in. Still no walking but we are hoping that will come soon. She does still seem to have pain in her legs and her jaw.

Ronald McDonald house is a miracle. I would love to meet the people who actually thought it up because everything about it is genious. Absolutely! Many things are available for them but they are also expected to pull their weight. The way it is designed it really encourages them to become a family with the others here. I asked Isabelle if she called this her bedroom, her apartment or her house. She said "My house, I will probably live here forever." It is really a home for these people.

Well I have got to go to bed! I am exhausted! I had to keep up with Isabelle on the purple playground, in the craft room, playing with the animal critters in the 'cool' hospital playroom, eating on the train in the dining room, playing 'go Fish' with Princess cards, going to the Mad Scientist Program (dry ice!) and reading stories! Yup it's a full day for me!

So nice for me to be here with them. We are all so grateful for our kind friends and family. A good day for Scarlett is a good day for us.  :)


  1. Yeah a good day!!!! I am just agonizing over this situation and want to hear more and more and more good days!!!!!!

  2. Wonderful to hear! Our prayers are with you guys! Go Scarlett go!!
    Love, Sheri TM & Family :)

  3. Oh, I agree about the Ronald McDonald Houses, they're life savers...literally. When our twins were flown up to the Children's Hospital in Denver, CO, we were going to stay in one if a hospital room was not available, but we lucked out. However, when little Emalee was in Albuq NM with her spinal meningitis 18 yrs back, Bill & I stayed in one, it was great!! So comforting to know the family has a place to stay while Scarlett is getting better. :) Love, Sheri TM
