Saturday, 15 October 2011

Not feeling so good today...Saturday, October 15, 2011

Wow the blog looks great! It is fairly obvious that Bobbi did not inherit her blogging skills from me. Well I should phrase that differently - It is obvious that I have no blogging skills to inherit. I guess I will take some lessons from her this week when I go to Calgary. Thanks for fixing it up, sweetie, I tried, I really did. Anyway back to my plain blogging page for now.

Scarlett is not so great today. She has quite a fever and her platelett level and her white blood count are both the lowest they have been yet. She is not sleeping well and not eating much. They are concerned about a possible infection. A lot of people in and out all day, which is good because they are really watching that little girl and doing their best to help her.

She is still not walking and will not put any weight on her legs. They are also watching her very closely and trying to do stretches and exercises with her.

There is a bit of a messup going on right now with cancer drugs. One that Scarlett has to take should be in liquid form but is not available. It comes in a big tablet which they are crushing and trying to disguise in various foods and drinks so that she will take it.

Bobbi has only had a few hours of sleep at a time for the last 2 weeks. She finally left Scarlett's side last night for the first time and slept with Isabelle in the Ronald McDonald house. She slept soundly for 12 hours and then Isabelle woke her up. Lance spent a rough night with Scarlett.

Just one challenge after another. The days and nights are long, busy and tense. They are still so grateful for the wonderful hospital staff and for Ronald McDonald house. We are so glad that she is there. We are all so appreciative for everyone's love and prayers. Thank you from the Jarman's and the Byam's.

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