Wednesday, 2 November 2011


When we first started treatment the Dr.'s told us if we took a picture of Scarlett now and then again in a few months we wouldn't even recognize her. I was thinking she would be turning into this  pale, frail, skinny bag of bones. Then the Dr. won't recognize her because she will gain so much weight! We were like what?? He said that she will be waking up in the middle of the night asking for meals, that she would be obsessed with eating and with salty foods. They said it is a side effect of the Dex steroid she will be on. We honestly didn't believe them.

They were telling the truth.

The Food monster has surfaced and the cravings, midnight feedings, and pigging out is in full effect. I must say it's much more comforting than the ~ not eating anything ~ we were dealing with at first. However, it is still quite stressful. The obsession with food combined with the mood swings can be a lot to handle. Her cravings are so specific and demanding. She wants what she wants immediately. She becomes quite vocal about her requests. We are doing our best to keep up with her. She is definitely gaining weight and is so heavy to carry around. We can't go far without being armed with a bag of food.

Her main cravings consist of:
- McDonald Cheeseburgers
- Mac and Cheese
- Pasta with butter and salt
- Salad with Ranch dressing
- fried eggs
- hotdogs

The other day Lance was cutting up some strawberries and trying to talk her into having some...she was begging him to let her put salt on them!  She was also asking for waffles with butter and salt...PLEASE!!

Last night before I went to bed I made a box of Macaroni and Cheese and fried up 6 eggs in preparation for the middle of the night feeding.....

Here are a few pic's of her...eating.


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