Monday, 9 January 2012

SO Lucky~

Hello Everyone! This is Bobbi Posting.....Sorry it's been so long but I have been a bit down and out dealing with this first Trimester yuckiness....

  I know there are a lot of caring, loving supportive people out there who have never even met Scarlett! We are constantly blow away at the huge span of people who are cheering for our little angel. I am always feeling like I don't know how to sincerely express our gratitude for everything that has been done for us. For all the prayers said, sacrifices made, gifts and care packages put together, loving e-mails and cards and the list goes on. I want everyone to know I think about you daily.....

Why are we so lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful people?  

We feel a bit sad in a way, that Scarlett will probably not even remember much, if any, of this whole experience. We really want her to know just how loved and supported she was through out this whole thing. How supported our whole family has felt. We want her to know about the HUGE crowd of people that were cheering for her, and praying for her everyday. 

I have saved all the cards and pictures and letters we have been given throughout all of this. I am compiling a Scrap book complete with all of them as well as pictures and journal entries. I hope that as Scarlett grows up and leaves this huge trial behind her, she will treasure the book and start to fully understand just how loved and taken care of her and her family were. 

Please know your efforts, all of them, haven't gone unnoticed. I sincerely apologize to those of you who I haven't expressed enough appreciation to. Just know we are grateful from the bottom of our hearts, to all of you for your thoughts, prayers and gestures of kindness. 

I wanted to post a few video's and pictures of Scarlett to help those of you who don't know her get to know her a little bit. They were taken a few months ago and she has changed a lot since. She now has no hair at all and has slimmed out. However they are still cute and give you a little idea of her talkative personality. I hope they work! Enjoy :) 

Pictures Of Scarlett

Laughing So HARD and a toy airplane scooting across the floor

Not happy after having to stop the careful placements of the Band-aids

Playing with the trains at the hospital during one of her stay in treatments - not wanting her picture taken :)

Ahhhhh Sucking her thumb and watching toons! A nice way to pass a bit of time while in the hospital!

Bandaids PLEASE!

Here's Scarlett enjoying unwrapping and sticking Band-aids! Just found her like this in the corner going to town! Enjoy :)

Popcorn Video

Here's a little Video of Scarlett playing on the floor of our pantry the other day...Just to give you an idea of how "Chatty" She is! We just love her, she keeps us laughing all day long.